
June 12, 2015

MAY 14, 2015

The regular meeting of the Town of Hartland, County of Niagara, State of New York, was held on the above date at the Town Hall, 8942 Ridge Road, Gasport convening at 7:30 p.m.

Members present:

Supervisor W. Ross Annable
Councilman F. David Snyder
Daniel Hill
Joseph Reed
Brian Gross

Attorney David Haylett Jr.
Highway Sup't Keith Hurtgam
Attended by Sign in sheet attached
Supervisor Annable called the meeting to order with all present standing for the pledge to the flag.



MOTION by Councilman Gross, seconded by Councilman Hill to adopt the minutes of the April 9, 2015 meeting as presented.

Ayes:   5          Nays:   0          ADOPTED

Abstract of Bills


MOTION by Councilman Snyder, seconded by Councilman Reed resolved that the following bills, as prepared by the Clerk and having been reviewed by the Town Board, be authorized for payment in the following amounts:

Voucher #'s 2015000264 - 2015000361
General 24420.31   
OWD 15115.63
Highway 423292.40
Refuse 18910.18

May 14, 2015

Ayes:   5          Nays:   0          ADOPTED

ASSESSOR / CEO REPORTS:                  Read and filed

Assessor Hartman reported that the Tentative roll is in the office and ready for viewing.  Equalization for 2015 is at 100% and Grievance Day is set for May 26, 2015.

Code Department - Becker Farms cabins are complete and ready for rental.  In other matters, Mr. Flor has moved a single wide trailer onto his property on South Quaker Road; his intention is to replace a current single wide.  This is against Town Code and has been ordered to remove the trailer in one week.  CEO Hartman will be checking into the situation to be sure that the trailer is removed on time.

Supervisor Annable announced that Michael Hartman has been hired by the City of Lockport, on a temporary basis to work in the City Assessor's office.  The period of time is 10-15 weeks; Hartman will be working in the City office on Wednesdays.  He will use his own vacation time for those days. 

HIGHWAY REPORT:   Read and filed

Superintendent Hurtgam reported on the result of the May 9th Teitsworth auction.  The Town broke even, with the guaranteed price.

WATER REPORT:     Read and filed

The crew has continued to work on the location of curb boxes for individual services, with half of the Town to be done this year.  NYRWA will perform the mapping for GPS as well as digital copies.  The data will then be saved to a CD or DVD and can be installed onto the Town computer system.  They will also provide a Carry Map that can be utilized by personnel in the field using smart phones.

NY Rural Water Contract


MOTION by Councilman Snyder, seconded by Councilman Reed to authorize Superintendent Hurtgam to execute a contract with NY Rural Water for the mapping of the individual curb stops in the Town.

Ayes:   5          Nays:   0          CARRIED

May 14, 2015

The NYSDOT has approached the Niagara County Town Highway Superintendents requesting a shared services contract.  The shared services would include materials, equipment and services when needed during emergency situations and shall be renewable on a yearly basis.

NYSDOT Shared Service Contract


MOTION by Councilman Hill, seconded by Councilman Gross to authorize Superintendent Hurtgam to sign Shared Service Contract with NYSDOT.

Ayes:   5          Nays:   0          CARRIED

There remains a large store of the old green recycle bins that are no longer needed.  They have been offered to the public for purchase; however, there has not been an interest.  Hurtgam asked to have permission to sell the totes at auction.

Surplus recycle bins


MOTION by Councilman Reed, seconded by Councilman Gross to declare the green recycle bins as surplus and sell at auction.

Ayes:   5          Nays:   0          CARRIED


George Brown and Richard Drum approached the board concerning the property belonging to  Ricky Flor on South Quaker Road.  They inquired about the single wide trailer as well as a food truck which is being used for storage at that property.  CEO Hartman said that he was aware of the situation and has contacted Mr. Flor.  He gave him one week to move the trailer off of the property, and he will follow up.

Tim O'Connor said that there are still several tractor trailers on site at Rose Road.  They have been there for a long period of time.  Hartman is also aware of this ongoing situation.



May 14, 2015



MOTION by Councilman Snyder, seconded by Councilman Gross to approve the following transfers:

Transfer from: SW8340.4 Trans/Dist Contractual 

 Transfer to:  SW8340.2 Trans/Dist Equipment            Amount: $ 9241.39

Ayes:   5          Nays:   0          CARRIED

Recognition of Clifford Grant

Clifford Grant, Chairman of the Zoning Board was recently awarded, by the NYS Planning Federation, the Levine Community Service Award.  The award is given a person who has

displayed outstanding community service. Cliff has been a member of Planning and Zoning Boards for a combined 33 years in the Town of Hartland.  Cliff, who has attended every NYS Planning Federation conference since 1982, is the first person awarded this honor from the Western New York area.  Among the many other areas of service are:  American Legion, Chair of the First Universalist Church, Tri-Town Ambulance, EMT, Hartland Senior Citizens, and so many more. Cliff also proudly served in the US Army 1968 -1970, serving in Vietnam from September 1968 until September 1969 with the 101th Airborne 11B20, earning several medals.

It is with honor that we recognize Clifford Grant for this achievement; he is a valuable asset to our Town and to our community.

Mr. Grant in turn thanked the Town Board for the opportunity to attend.

The Recreation Committee has requested a change in the rate of pay for a Leader position.  Since there have been issues with vacations and time off, it was decided that an hourly rate would best suit the position. 

Recreation pay


MOTION by Councilman Reed, seconded by Councilman Snyder to adjust the pay for a Leader to an hourly rate of $11.00/ hour

Ayes:   5          Nays:   0          CARRIED

Supervisor Annable reported on the progress of the Health Care Consortium.  The Town Supervisors are working with County Legislators to come to an agreement that is accepted by the County.



MOTION by Councilman Snyder, seconded by Councilman Reed that since there is no further business to come before the board, the meeting by adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Ayes:   5          Nays:   0          CARRIED

Respectfully submitted:

Cynthia S. Boyler, Town Clerk

Next scheduled regular meeting will be held June 11, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.